About South Pasadena

The City of South Pasadena is a charming community, situated only six miles from downtown Los Angeles. Called the City of Trees, the area is known for its stunning homes, unique small businesses, and top quality schools. South Pasadena’s diverse population of about 25,000 occupies a mere 3.44 square miles of flatlands and hillsides on the west side of the San Gabriel Valley. This small town atmosphere makes South Pasadena one of California's most desirable locations.

More than 100 acres of parks and playgrounds blanket its landscape and more than 21,000 trees adorn its streets. The quiet, historic character of its attractive neighborhoods is a testament to the preservationist efforts of residents in protecting both its architectural and natural beauty. The city enjoys a low crime rate and the benefits of a close-knit, participation-oriented community. Small, proud and independent, the City of South Pasadena has battled for a hundred years to preserve its status as a distinct and distinctive community.

What is a Parks Comprehensive Plan?

It is a journey to discover the community’s values and unmet needs and then developing a roadmap and a shared vision for the future of parks and recreation in South Pasadena.

How does it affect me?

Did you know that spending time in parks and participating in recreation activities can improve you and your family's health? Research has consistently shown that even moderate exercise, a 30-min walk, and just time outdoors in nature boosts your physical, mental, social, and emotional well-being. From property values to economic impact and rebuilding a sense of community pride, parks and recreation provide a tremendous benefit to South Pasadena.

How can I share my
vision for the future?

  • The community engagement process offers a variety of ways to provide your input starting with the open-ended comment box on this digital engagement platform
  • Share your feedback through the statistically valid or online survey
  • Participate in community and neighborhood focus groups
  • Attend the community listening sessions

Email us at lhakobian@southpasadenaca.gov

Who is responsible
for this Plan?

The City of South Pasadena staff is leading this work internally and are collaborating with Riverside-based RHA Landscape-Architects and Planners Inc. and Next Practice Partners, a national leader in inclusive and innovative planning.

What is the timeline for this project?

The project kicked off in October 2024 and is anticipated to be completed in 15 months by end of 2025